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Why You Should Choose Viridor Viridor are not brokers

We do not get paid by winning retailer contracts. Why is this important?


We can approach all retailers (not just ones we have agreements with)


We have a vested interest in getting the lowest energy rates possible. Brokers have a vested interest in getting the highest energy rates possible


If a long term contract is not the right option we will tell you as we have no vested interest in putting you into a contract that is not appropriate.


Commission payments go straight onto your rates, and they can work out to be extremely expensive when compared to Viridor’s fee structure. 11For instance commission paid by retailer (therefore customer) to a broker for a single site spending $250,000 a year on electricity would be approx 6 times more than Viridor fee. There is no such thing as a ‘free lunch’.


In addition, Viridor looks at every single facet of your electricity and gas charges to see if there are any opportunities to save money in these areas. Brokers will not engage with this activity as there is no financial incentive for them to do so.
projected savings
projected savings


Viridor always provide our clients with a written indication of what savings we can achieve for them – this figure is guaranteed and if we don’t achieve it you do not pay our fee

Reduce energy costs without investing any money!

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